For some odd reason, I geek out on the craziest topics like, “ways that kindness can make you a better person.” I suppose everyone is entitled to their nerdiness (is that even a word?). My nerdiness just happens to be all things, self improvement, happiness, physical and emotional wellbeing, great life giving relationships, making this […]
How to Improve Your Body Image
In today’s post, I want to discuss a strategy that will help you to improve your body image. That strategy is: Stop comparing yourself to others. That’s right, simple but powerful and perhaps overlooked. We are on this journey to become a better version of ourselves and no one else. Yet, we are constantly bombarded […]
How to Boost your Confidence with a Healthy Body Image
Did you know that there is a huge correlation with having a healthy body image and having inner (notice, I didn’t say outer) confidence? It’s true. Every day millions of people start their day in a sad way. They stare at themselves in the mirror and fret over all of the things that are wrong […]
How to do a 10-Day Negative Thought Fast
Have you ever contemplated the power of a ten-day negative thought fast? This little-known technique is a simple way to change your life. You can go from merely getting by to experiencing the exceptional life you long for. The life that YOU deserve. You’ll find that your life can be extraordinary when you focus on […]
12 Uncommon Ways to Increase Your Productivity Now
Could you use new strategies to increase your productivity during this age of unprecedented distraction that we all contend with? Does your productivity ever get hampered by searching for the best possible solutions to get stuff done? Maybe, as you seek the easiest or fastest route to your goal, you may find yourself stopped entirely. […]
Curate Your Life Like a Bold Smart Woman
How do you curate your life like a bold smart woman? To answer this question, let’s define what “curating one’s life really means. At the very core, curating your life is a lifestyle of empowerment. It means to carefully choose what you allow to shape your identity (your passions and purpose), your […]