There is most definitely a link between self-sabotaging thoughts and personal happiness. Today we will discuss some prevalent self-sabotaging ideas that you may or may not have been engaging in over the years that might have gone undetected until now. But first, let’s define what self-sabotaging thoughts are. According to Psychology Today, Behavior is considered […]
8 Surprising Things That Drain Your Energy
How would you like to expose the sneaky little culprits that drain your energy each and every day. You and everyone else that are solving this problem by gulping down brightly colored espresso drinks mid afternoon. Today, we are going shine a bright light on little known things that are sucking the energy right out […]
How Happiness Can Improve Your Health
There’s a lot of buzz going on right now about how happiness can improve your health. However, there was a time in the not so distant past when the thought of actually being happy was a pipe dream. Not anymore. Nowadays even scientist have been busying themselves with researching the benefits of happiness. How happiness […]
7 Powerful Ways to Release Resentment Right Now
Imagine How much brighter your world would be if you had the inner strength and the tools to release resentment right now. Not tomorrow, not next week or next year, but right now! You’re probably feeling pretty awesome just knowing that you can actually break free from this immobilizing emotion. I believe that can and […]
9 Cool Ways to Reach Your Personal Goals
Reaching your personal goals is not something that you just hyper focus on at the beginning of each new year. You should always have your personal goals at the forefront of your mind, especially as life is busy and seemingly out of control. Personal goals are goals that you set for yourself. Oftentimes, they are […]
How to Think and Aim Big
Here’s a little known fact: you can actually learn how to think big. Most people tend to think that big thinking is for those who were born like this. While this might be true for some, it is most definitely not true for all. Thank goodness, there is hope for all of us. Why? Because […]