You might be amazed at how many people never make the connection between valuing yourself and the value of your time. It’s actually true. There is a direct correlation between self worth and how you value your time. Some of us, I believe, are literally born with a high sense of self worth, or it’s […]
Can You Really Find True Happiness
The possibility of finding true happiness is a popular ongoing conversation nowadays. Everywhere you turn, happiness experts are springing up and rightly so. We live in a challenging world, and embracing the science behind true happiness can help us live a more optimized life. Of course there are circumstances outside of our control. But what […]
Fun Ways to Boost Mental and Physical Energy
Boosting mental and physical energy is essential in our modern fast paced, energy draining society. Without energy we will feel an absolute and utter exhaustion that can reduce our efficiency and productivity, which will ultimately affect our goals and our health. To continue to do our best work each day, we need to find new […]
How to Manage Your Cortisol Level and Improve Wellness
There’s a lot of discussion nowadays about how to manage your cortisol level and improve your overall health and wellness. There is a ton of information about the correlation between high levels of poorly managed stress and high levels of cortisol in your bloodstream. The truth is that understanding and managing your cortisol levels is […]
How to Become A Stronger Leader And Enhance Your Life
Who would have thought that becoming a stronger leader could possibly enhance your life? Well it’s true. Leadership is a major life skill that requires time and attention, but in the end, it will certainly set you apart and make your life so much better. I think of leadership as one of those life skills […]
Top 5 Sneaky Things That Will Zap Your Self-Confidence
You might be utterly amazed at the sneaky little things that can zap your self confidence in a hot minute!. Why? Because, contrary to popular opinion, self-confidence can be a tenuous thing. One minute you’re screaming:” Hey ma…look at me I’m on top of the world”, and the next, you feel like a pile of […]