Those “strong” people you admire most and consider resilient despite difficulties have probably cultivated habits that make them persistent. They typically have a secret goal or vision that causes them to forge ahead daily. These persistent people are often dreamers who believe they have a higher purpose outside their weekly paycheck. The burning vision embedded […]
Feed Your Spirit: 5 Soul-Nourishing Activities for a Fulfilling New Year
Feed Your Spirit: 5 Soul-Nourishing Activities for a Fulfilling New Year Your soul is the essence of your being. It guides you on life’s journeys and drives your passions. Nourishing your soul is essential to your spiritual and personal growth and well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where there is much anxiety and stress, making time […]
The Impact of Stress on Mental Health – 5 Things You Need To Know Today
In today’s fast-paced world, stress can be a normal consequence of our everyday lives. Different things can be a source of stress, so it isn’t unavoidable in many cases. Small doses of stress can be beneficial to our well-being. However, too much stress prolonged, otherwise known as chronic stress, can be devastating to our mental […]
How to Transform Your Life with A Fresh Perspective on Self-Care
Transforming your life is a central theme at the beginning of the new year, and rightfully so. Who wouldn’t jump at a new opportunity to transform their life, especially as January 1st rolls around? As the new year approaches, our email boxes and social media feeds overflow with new goal-setting techniques and weight-loss strategies. With […]
Visionary Living: How to Powerfully Integrate Core Values into Your Growth Plan
Visionary living can incorporate your core values and beliefs into your growth plan. As you identify what matters most, you can develop a personal growth plan that honors your core values. Most people tend to be unreflective and, as a result, could be following a path that no longer makes sense to them personally. The […]
The Power of Tiny Changes: How Small Habits Lead to Big Wins
Would you like to turn your life around with small, manageable habits? Is that even possible in today’s fast-paced grind culture? The simple answer is yes! It is possible. Many public figures you admire today may have been grinding it out behind the scenes by taking baby steps toward their success. You may want to […]