Have you ever had a particular project you labored over until every detail was perfect? Or maybe you were always the kid who handed her exam in last because you wanted to ensure that every question was answered precisely. If so, I get it. However, this age-old habit of perfectionism is sinister and may have […]
5 Powerful Lifestyle Choices That Can Support Your Mental Health
Mental health issues are on the rise. Suffering from anxiety and depression is becoming more and more common these days. If you suffer from a mental health illness, the treatment plan typically consists of traditional l therapies and prescription medications. Lifestyle choices that can positively influence mental health can be overlooked or trivialized. This article […]
10 Hidden Distractions Holding You Back from Reaching your Goals
We can all agree that we live in a unique time where daily distractions and interruptions are high. There used to be a time when most of life’s distractions came from an outside source. Now we contend with internal and external distractions that can throw us off our game. “Staying focused” can seem almost impossible. […]
8 Impressive Traits of Ambitious People that can Improve Your Life
Do you want to know the secret formula of the ambitious and driven? There is no one particular secret formula. We are all born as individuals. We are all wired differently and come from different backgrounds. What drives one person might rock someone else to sleep. Our dreams and aspirations are unique to us. However, […]
5 Simple Strategies to Help Jumpstart Your Self-Motivation in the New Year
Have you ever wondered why motivating those around you is so much easier? You feel so pumped, yet after “spittin” this excellent advice, you put on your warm sweater and get back in bed with a sandwich and phone to watch TikTok. Here’s what’s happening. A little-known scientific fact is that when you help others, […]
5 Things to Do Right Now if Upheaval is Ruining your Life
Every generation experiences its version of upheaval at some point in time. Many times these events are unforeseen and can feel like a giant slap on the back of your neck. Then there are the events that are unique to you, (not uncommon to man) that you never saw coming. Whatever the case may be, […]