Living unchecked, chronic stress can lead to poor health and contribute to heart disease, asthma, obesity, gastrointestinal problems, and other physical and psychological health problems. In addition, stress increases your chance of experiencing depression, anxiety, and even Alzheimer’s disease – not to mention premature death. Okay, enough of the scary stuff already! Oddly, training yourself […]
6 Great Reasons Why Solid Adult Friendships are so Important
Solid friendships provide a social connection that is critical to our health and wellbeing. However, nurturing these relationships does require time and effort from both parties. Are we really that busy? Yes, no, okay maybe?? I too am guilty of this. As a matter of fact, this was recently brought to my attention, so I […]
10 Impressive Ways to Develop Your Creativity and Improve Your Life
Taking the time and putting in the effort to develop your creativity can improve your life in ways you may have never thought possible. Maybe you thought, “Who has time for creativity, I’ve got to pay the bills”. Or maybe you thought, “Oh that creativity stuff is only meant for singers, dancers, musicians, or painters”. […]
How Not Spending Enough Quality Time Alone Can Cause Stress
Spending quality time alone is a high-level self-care practice that is missing from many of our routines. If you can create an intention around this one element of self-care, it will change your life. Think about it. How often have you considered doing something you’d like to do but convinced yourself that you don’t have […]
7 Important Reasons Why Living with Purpose is Important Based on Science
Like most of us, you’re probably focused on achieving your super goals and maximizing your human potential. But maybe you have overlooked the importance of living with Purpose. This little nugget may be fundamental to your success and your long-term health and happiness. Living with a sense of Purpose may be more critical to your […]
5 Simple Ways To Add More Balance To Your Life and Feel More Vibrant
In many ways, a good, quality, fulfilling life, is a life that is balanced. We need a proper balance in order to live a happy and healthy life. Everything in this world comes down to finding this proper balance. Whether it’s in work life and home life, eating healthy and eating what makes you happy, […]