Who would have ever thought that simply loving your life could make everything in and around your life better? It just seems too simple to be true. There has to be a “catch”! There isn’t. Sometimes simple is way more potent than complicated when it comes to living your best life.
You don’t have to wait for something major to change in your life to find happiness. Sure, it might be lovely to live in a different neighborhood or drive a fancier car. But these changes don’t necessarily guarantee true happiness.
The never-ending search for happiness can be exhausting. Yet, it is a fundamental desire to be happy deep inside. The problem usually arises when we begin our search outside of ourselves. This is one of the main reasons true happiness seems so elusive.
One of the keys to making your life flow as you want it to lies within you. It’s in the power of your thoughts and emotions. Combined, they help create your reality.
This means that when you choose to be positive and love your life, it’ll love you right back. Deciding to be happy makes you better at handling challenging situations. It helps you build inner strength, resilience, and a sense of inner peace.
Here are five ways in which loving your life makes everything better:

- You Feel More Authentic
When you start loving your life, you feel this calm flowing around you. Gone are the days of being anxious and on edge because you lived on someone else’s terms.
When you live your life this way you can experience far more freedom and empowerment than ever before. The reason?
You are doing the things that allow you to find and express your authentic self. You begin to discover the little things that bring joy to your everyday life. This can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to read a favorite book or sit in a local cafe mindfully enjoying a healthy meal.
It can also be more substantial, like volunteering or learning a new language or skill. Whatever it is, make sure it makes you love life and brings out your true self.
- You Stop Pleasing People
Being a people pleaser can quickly suck the happiness out of your life and the energy out of your body. Trying to please everyone, all of the time is impossible and it is taxing and will take its toll on your physical and mental health. There, I said it!
As women, we can become so programmed to please others that we even do it with mere acquaintances or random strangers! Huh?
It may seem like a good idea from “the outside”. But remember, loving your life is an “inside” job. Passive people-pleasing prevents us from being our true selves because we’re always worried about what others will think about us. We fear that we won’t measure up. But to those that know us and love us for who we are we do “measure up”. This is the unconditional love and acceptance that you deserve.
Yet, this doesn’t mean you take other people for granted or don’t consider what they have to say. But it’s all about finding the right balance. Just make sure you don’t sacrifice your peace of mind for the sake of others.
3. You Become Content with the ‘Right Now’
If you’re not happy with your present moment, then nothing will ever be good enough for you. You probably think that buying that big house or shiny new car will make you happy and satisfied. But that’s just what we call “seeing the grass is greener on the other side of the fence”.
Then, when you finally end up on the other side, you’re not as happy as you thought you’d be. Because you haven’t cultivated the fine art of fulfillment. Again, an inside job.
The first step in loving your life is to take actionable steps toward appreciating your present just as it is.
Of course, it’s important to dream big and set ambitious goals, and work hard to achieve them. But always be grateful for what you have today. This way you’re not projecting your happiness into the future. You are presently enjoying every bit of the journey. That’s the balance.
4. You Get Better At Handling Life’s Curveballs
It’s fair to say that most people don’t like change. It can make you feel anxious, afraid, and in a state of panic.
Yet, one of life’s constants is change. It’s an inevitable part of life as we know it.
So, we have to accept that there will always be changes in our lives. We can accomplish this by embracing change and seeing it as a good thing.
Not all change is bad. Sometimes it brings exciting events and new people into our lives. You might meet new people that become lifelong friends.
Still, we’d be remiss not to mention that there will be those changes that you don’t like. But, instead of freaking out, take this opportunity to learn, grow, and build a stronger resilience.

5. You Finally Realize That Perfection Is Overrated
No one is, nor ever will be, perfect, not even those airbrushed models you admire. Yet, sometimes, it’s easy to spiral down the path of self-doubt. Questioning yourself and your choices is normal, but it should never go as far as to make you doubt your self-worth.
So, the first step is to stop comparing yourself to others. Once you learn how to do that, you can stop striving for perfection.
You’ll look at your life in a whole new way, and you learn how to embrace your mistakes and imperfections, and accept it as all a part of life’s journey. In fact, it’s these imperfect moments that help you grow and learn the most.
Resist the urge to tolerate your life. Instead, learn new ways to celebrate your wonderful life. The payoff can be a greater sense of joy and self-worth. You will experience how loving your precious life makes everything better.
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
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