Living by your own rules is not a popular topic but one worth discussing. From childhood on, we are taught to fit in. So, we learn early to do the expected. We know to be responsible, and we stop taking risks. After a while, this can get a little boring. Worst-case scenario, you can start to forget who you are.
Is this you or someone you love? Then it is time to take back control. It’s time to live by your rules by curating a meaningful life. Period!
In this article, you will learn some of the benefits of taking the risk of living by your own rules:
7 Benefits of Living by Your Own Rules:
- You’ll Like “YOU” Better
It’s hard to have a lot of self-respect when you always compromise who you are. When you stick to your belief system and prioritize your actions authentically, you will notice that you will like yourself much more. Why? Because being a phony serves no one, least of all YOU.
![7 Surprising Benefits of Living by Your Own Rules](
- Others Will Like You Better
Not that this one matters that much, but living by your own rules does have a way of inspiring others. You won’t be the only one noticing the change. People appreciate your authenticity when you stop wearing masks and trust others with who you are. This honesty also gives them the space to be vulnerable, which is hard to find. It’s no wonder they’ll respect you more when you’re yourself.
- You Become More Resilient
If you fail to meet your expectations, you realize that that’s on you. There is no one else to blame. You can easily accept the lessons the experience teaches you and move on gracefully. When you miss the mark according to your standards, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Living this way makes learning the lesson much easier and bouncing back quickly.
- You’ll Have More Intimate Relationships
Does falling in love with a fake person make any sense? Yet, it happens every day. When you always show the other person your best self, they never know the true you. Relationships grow and develop where there’s intimacy. Intimacy comes from being honest. This also applies to real friendships.
![7 Surprising Benefits of Living by Your Own Rules](
- You’ll Rediscover Passion
It’s hard to feel fulfilled in your work when you’re always doing what everyone else wants. Setting your goals and aspiring to reach your dreams will make life much more rewarding. You can never be delighted unless you are excited about what you’re doing. Here’s where passion lies. Remember that discovering your passions in life doesn’t have to replace your day job. You can, and maybe you should do both.
- You’ll Have Fewer Regrets
Everyone has regrets, even the most perfect people among us. Living life based on your own rules will yield way fewer regrets. Do you hate regrets? When you reflect on your life, what would you most like to see? Do you want to be able to say, “I did what everyone expected” or “I lived my best life according to my expectations”?
- You May Be Happier
It’s easier to look forward to your day when you know you are pursuing the things you are most passionate about. Here in true lies happiness.
Final Thoughts
Realistically speaking, there will still be times when you need to live by someone else’s rules. We all should obey the laws of the land, including driving the speed limit. You can’t march into the local shop and take what isn’t yours. This is clearly what this article is not talking about. But having more control over the decisions that shape your life will increase your happiness and sense of well-being. Call the shots. Be yourself. Do your own thing. Embrace life. Have fun.
And only follow the rules when you have to. 🙂
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
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