Creating a system whereby you make self-care an automatic habit can save time, energy, stress and money. Let’s face it, one of the biggest obstacles keeping you from taking proper care of yourself in the first place is time. If you’ve ever browsed the internet or Pinterest for ideas on how to elevate your self-care game, you were probably overwhelmed by those super-long lists of time-consuming activities.
The good news is that there are some nifty tricks you can use to put caring for yourself on auto-pilot, so you barely even notice it’s happening.
Here are 5 ways to make self-care an automatic habit:
1- Keep It Simple
The first tip to make self-care automatic is to just keep it as simple as possible. Some self-care practices DO require lots of time if you let them, but there are ways to simplify the process so you can fit it into their schedule.
For example, you probably already know by now that meditation is one of the best practices for your mental, emotional and spiritual health. And yes, some types of meditation require you to sit for an hour or longer to reap the exponential benefits.
But did you know that you can meditate for just a couple minutes at a time and still reap some amazing benefits?
The same is true with yoga. You don’t have to sign up for ten 75-minute classes. You can just try 10 minutes of yoga here and there and really care for your body and mind.
The bottom line is just because there are lengthy, complicated versions of different self-care techniques available does not mean you have to master them. You’re free to modify any and everything to suit your own personal needs. It’s so much easier to create a new habit when you dial it down into bite-sized pieces.
Sometimes less is more, especially in the beginning. As you explore these different self-care practices, you can pick the ones that resonate with you and give you the best results. When you identify the ones that you enjoy most and give you the most benefit, you can dive deeper if you choose to. Keep in mind, this is about what works best for you.

2- Add Activities You Truly Enjoy
Second, while self-care isn’t always light and fun (working on mental health issues and healing past trauma can be quite painful, in fact), you should still make sure you’re engaging in self-care practices that you truly enjoy for the most part.
Another popular self-care practice that you’ll come across soon enough (if you haven’t already) is gratitude journaling.
While expressing gratitude for what you already have in life is a shortcut to elevating your mood and shifting your mindset, if you don’t like writing, it may not be for you. And that’s okay.
You don’t have to do things you don’t like just because everybody else says they work.
There are many other ways to reach the same goal.
For example, you might use positive affirmations to express gratitude. Or maybe, uploading photos of things in your life that bring you joy might be more your speed.
Tailor your self-care practice to suit your unique preferences and desires, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.
3- Make It A Ritual
Third, while it can take some time to make this an actual habit, once you get it right and get it set in stone, it will be hard to break.
Following the guidelines of simplicity and pleasantness discussed above, crafting a sequence of activities that you perform on a regular basis–without fail – is an excellent way to start putting self-care on autopilot.
An example of a simple, pleasant morning self-care ritual would be to wake up, do five minutes of stretching or meditation, then jot a few things down in your journal over a warm cup of coffee or tea and think about your upcoming day. Simple, pleasant and over time, habitual too!

4- Combine It With Other Existing Tasks, Habits or Activities
When you combine new self-care habits with other existing habits, it’s known as habit stacking and it is highly effective. A great way to put your self-care routine on autopilot is to combine personal wellness activities with other tasks that you must do anyway.
For example, you have to commute to work, you could work on your intellectual self-care by listening to an audiobook on a new or interesting topic. This can transform the dread of your commute, (that might be causing low-level stress), into a happier experience because you’re actually combining it with something that you want to do.
Another example is to sneak a little extra exercise into your day for physical self-care, by parking at the back of the parking lot when you run errands. It may not seem like much, but you can add 200 or more extra steps each way (in and out), for just a few extra minutes of trip time. You’ll save time by not hunting for up-close parking spots. That’s an added bonus.
5- Involve Others
Finally, involving others in your self-care practices makes it so much more fun, and you’ll be getting those you care about to care for themselves too. It’s a big win all the way around.
For example, instead of going out to eat on dates with your significant other all the time, look up fresh, exciting, delicious, healthy recipes and prepare your date-night meal together. This checks multiple self-care boxes.
- Eating healthier (physical self-care)
- Quality time together (social self-care)
- Saving money (financial self-care)
- Creativity (intellectual self-care)
Final Thoughts
While it may seem on the surface that you don’t have time to prioritize your wellbeing, you might be surprised at the total life transformation you can experience by putting your self-care routine on autopilot.
Hopefully, you can use one or more of these simple tips to elevate your self-care game, so you can begin experiencing the peace and positivity you crave and deserve.
Be well + prosper,