Visionary living can incorporate your core values and beliefs into your growth plan. As you identify what matters most, you can develop a personal growth plan that honors your core values. Most people tend to be unreflective and, as a result, could be following a path that no longer makes sense to them personally.
The truth is that most of us have been there and have done that.
Whether conscious or subconscious, most people have a set of core values and beliefs about life that influence their vision of the future and sometimes the past. These core values and beliefs often originate in childhood and can be strongly aligned with success or failure, as well as abundance or lack.
Many of these ideas come from parents and society. The TV shows you watched growing up, the friends you had, their parents, your teachers, and whatever was happening in the world as you grew up that is reflected on the news can also influence your values and beliefs. Many of these ideas are ingrained in your mind, and you might be unaware of their existence. They silently create a framework from which you make serious life decisions.
You often react unconsciously to ideas that challenge your core values and beliefs, and sometimes, those actions lead you down the wrong path. Creating a personal development plan will help you become more self-aware of your core values and beliefs.
There is A Difference Between Positive & Negative Core Beliefs
Everyone has both positive and negative core beliefs. The more positive core beliefs you have, the more positive you will act as you tackle your goals. These positive beliefs include believing you are worthy, safe, competent and capable, appreciated, accepted, knowledgeable, and so forth.
Negative beliefs are often based on your personality or inner-self-image, as well as on a negative thought that someone had about you or based on something negative you said about yourself. These can be very limiting to your self-esteem. That’s why you can meet two people with the same job who earn the same amount of money, and one will be happy and satisfied, while the other will inwardly feel miserable.
Identify Negative Core Values & Beliefs
You may not even realize you have beliefs that are causing you to be held back. Maybe you’ve watched many people succeed at something you want to accomplish. Yet, you can’t seem to accomplish it for some strange reason. Can you identify why this keeps happening? Once you can identify those negative core beliefs, you can work on turning them into positives.
Be Willing to Challenge Your Core Beliefs
If you want to embark on a personal development journey, be willing to challenge your existing core beliefs, ideas, and even the vision you have created for your life. It’ll be hard to envision a great future until you know what’s true, accurate, and based on facts instead of false opinions or negative beliefs. It may be the difference between becoming a traditional primary care physician and a holistic nurse practitioner. Neither career is a wrong choice. However, one might align better for you, considering your core values, passion, existing skills, interests, goals, and other preferences.
As you work through your personal development plan in all aspects of your life, you will experience many aha moments. Some will be surprises, others not so much. The important point to remember is that the ideas you have right now, even your core beliefs and values, may change once you embrace the journey of personal growth and development.
And that is perfectly fine!
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
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