Here’s a little known fact: you can actually learn how to think big. Most people tend to think that big thinking is for those who were born like this. While this might be true for some, it is most definitely not true for all. Thank goodness, there is hope for all of us.
Because thinking big is a skill,and like most skills you can develop and master it.
Why We Don’t Usually Think Big and Aim High
The vast majority of people develop their view of money and success at a very young age. Usually the views of our parents get passed down to us as 7 year old kids. We subsciously and without question embraced these ideas as our own. Even if you are an outlier, and tend towards thinking and aiming big regardless of your upbringing, there are those other voices out there that constantly shoot down your dreams and aspirations. Before you know it, you can start agreeing with all those voices and give in and give up.
I am here to tell you that these money and success blocks must be destroyed if your ultimate goal is to become the architect of your life.
Awareness Starts the Process of Thinking Big and Aiming High
The first hurdle, like with most obstacles, is becoming aware of those limiting beliefs that hold you captive. Once you identify what they are and maybe even where they came from you can start the process of getting free. Realize that a “belief” is just a belief, it’s not a real law. You can change a belief for one that better serves you.
Limiting beliefs limit your potential. Limited potential will limit your success and happiness in life.
Just remember that what you believe becomes your reality. Learning how to stop playing small and start thinking big and aiming high, you set you on the right path.
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Create Your Own Vision of Success
When you envision success, what do you see?
Do you see fat bundles of money, a lofty mansion, and few Teslas in the driveway? That’s great, but what about a deeper sense of success – a success beyond your wildest dreams?
If you’re like, you’ve probably heard some success stories where ordinary folks have gone from rags to riches in like 5 minutes.
There are even better stories out there. Like the stories of entrepreneurs and business people leaving their corporate jobs and starting non profits that dig wells in third world countries.
These people, are also happy, fulfilled and successful.
Or what about the stay at home mom, who created a million dollar blog while her kids are taking their afternoon nap. She too is living her dream.
The point is that success looks different for everyone.
Determine what success will look like for you. This is an important component for thinking big and aiming high. You have to know what you want.
Success is a personal definition – for some, it’s lots of money, and for others, it’s fulfillment of purpose and for others it’s freedom. Some people want to live in a mansion overlooking the ocean, while others want to live in a cottage by the lake or on 20 acre farm.
Bottom line – success is what you say it is.
Here are a few tips on how to define what success is to you and only you:
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⦁ Define your why – now that you have a vision of what success looks like to you, go one step further. Why do you want to achieve this particular success?
Dig deep down and quietly meditate on your true calling, passion and purpose. Everyone has one and it’s only a matter of time before you start asking yourself, “Is there something more than this out here for me?” What is the why behind your success? Do you wish to reach thousands of people and make a difference? Do you wish to help hundreds solve a problem you have experience with? Do you value freedom over stuff? Start getting in touch with your why.
⦁ What’s the most important thing to you? Do you value financial freedom, being of service, freedom to come and go as you please, the ability to create a flexible schedule which works for you and your family? Once you get in touch with your why, your core need and desire will become to come to light. If you have a driving need to be your own boss or a passionate purpose to help others beyond your wildest dreams, this will come to light as well. Once you know your why, your core desire will come to the surface.
⦁ What actions steps do you need to take, and what does it look like to make it come to life? Once you’ve done the work to uncover your own definition of success, what your why is, and what’s the most important thing to you, it’s time to take a trip outside of your head and beyond your comfort zone into the world of action. While it’s nice to get inside your head and get in touch with your why and your what, it’s even more important to get in touch with the how.
How will you make it happen?
As you look for ways to make your dream happen, you will have the opportunity to apply the skills of thinking and aiming big. As you exercise that muscle and take action right where you are today, you will find yourself achieving success beyond your wildest dreams and thinking big along the way!
Reach for the stars!
All the best,