Life can be challenging, and even the most awesome and self-assured amongst us can fall off their horse and lose confidence on the way down. Life is not linear; it is notorious for having its ups and downs. You may have never learned how to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments. When they come for you, they have a unique way of knocking you down and causing you to second-guess yourself. You may lose sight of who you are and what you can accomplish. You might feel reluctant to try when your confidence takes a severe hit.
Be encouraged.
The successful have a few secrets on how to get back on track when life throws you a curveball. Be smart, take a page out of their playbook, and find out how to regain your confidence when you are blindsided by something you never saw coming.
7 Ways to Regain Confidence and Get Back in the Saddle
- Silence your Inner Critic
The purpose of the voice of the inner critic is to shut you down and keep you playing small. This voice is insidious because it masquerades a friend trying to keep you safe. It is, however, a crusher of self-confidence. Sabotaging your confidence keeps you from getting back out there and fighting another day. Be aware of your inner critic’s voice and learn to silence it immediately. It may have good intentions, but the result can be disastrous.
2. Rediscover your Winner’s Mindset.
You do know by now that some failure is expected. Getting “there” might require a few bumps and bruises. However, the game isn’t over until the end. Successful people know they still can win as long as they stay in the game. When regaining confidence, you must realize success is still possible. Think about your original goal and see yourself winning.
3. Give Yourself a Much-Needed Break
No matter what social media tells you, humans were not created to be “on” 24/7. Everyone needs a break from time to time. Your confidence can start to waver when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. This confidence nosedive can lead to f ll-on burnout if you are not careful. Forgot how to take a break? Try immersing yourself in a hobby you love, taking long walks in nature, or reconnecting with friends or family. This must-needed break will reward you with greater confidence and a second wind.
4. Don’t Be Afraid to Start Over
That second wind might give you the confidence you need to start over.
There is nothing like a fresh start to boost your confidence. Maybe there is another way to reach your goal. Rather than force yourself to do the same thing similarly, consider revamping your strategy. Ask yourself how you can do things differently this time.

5. Reexamine Your Past Accomplishments
Tell me about how you succeeded before. Are you trying to graduate from college? Remember that you graduated from high school. If you are trying to excel at work, consider how well you did during your internship. Suppose you are training for a marathon; consider all the 10k races you have completed. What do you know about yourself already from these events? You can regain confidence and move forward by remembering your accomplishments and reminding yourself about who you are and what you can achieve.
6. Don’t Blame Yourself! Period!
Life is too short for you to blame for everything that goes wrong. Blaming yourself for every mistake you make doesn’t get you anywhere and only destroys your confidence. There is a big difference between accepting responsibility and blaming yourself for past failures. Accepting responsibility is empowering, and it’s what adults do. The blame game is for children and the immature, who must target someone to “feel” better. One is life-giving, the other toxic. L letting go and moving on without assigning blame is crucial to future success.

7. Keep on Keeping On
There is a unique talent that many successful people have developed called persistence. They have the revelation that persevering nicely pays off, eventually. They know that if you quit, you will see yourself as a failure. The one who gets up, day in and day out, and tries, again and again, builds confidence as they go.
If you realize that you have lost confidence in yourself, then understand that you can be intentional in recovering your confidence. Confidence is a muscle; you can train it and grow it. By using these tips, you will get there. The process can sometimes be slow; regain confidence and know success is possible even after a setback.
Keep going to keep growing!
You got this!
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
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