Unleashing the power of habit is all the rage in the world of personal development these days and for good reasons. Has it ever occurred to you that you could create habits that would cause your positive thinking to increase? Well, you can. Today, you’re going to learn 10 ways that you can develop a positive thinking habit.
But, before we dive into these simple strategies, let’s take a look at the power of habit and the benefits of developing a positive mindset.
The Power of Habit
According to scientific studies, the reason why habits are so powerful is that they create a neurological craving in our brain. This is why once we create a new habit over a sustained period, we start to look forward to that activity and the reward. We crave the endorphins and the sense of accomplishment that the new habit gives us.
Now that my friend is powerful. Furthermore, as the new habit becomes established it requires less and less of our willpower and decision-making effort.
A personal example (and I have many because I love creating new habits), is my morning routine. I’ve been doing a morning routine for so many years that I can’t remember when I started. My teenage son said to me the other day that he can’t remember a time when I didn’t see him up in the morning doing my thing. There’s no thought involved, I rise each day and take authority over my day by enjoying a spacious morning that keeps me energized yet grounded all day.
Because of the very nature of the power of habits, they can affect us profoundly over time.
Benefits of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking has amazing benefits for our physical, emotional, and mental health. According to an article published by the Mayo Clinic, researchers have found that some of these benefits include:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
So you can see why developing a positive thinking habit can be extremely useful.
Now let’s explore some simple tips that can help us develop this positive thinking habit.
10 Tips To Help You Develop A Positive Thinking Habit

1- Start Each Day With A Smile
The way you start your morning sets your entire day in motion. If you welcome the day with good energy and elevated spirits, you’re already one step ahead. Begin each day with gratitude and a smile. It’s free and easy to do.
2- Plan Each Day
First, plan your work. Then, work on your plan. Enter your day with clearly defined goals and write them down. Go beyond your “to-do” list, however. A better idea is to write how you want to feel, then think of ways to achieve that feeling all day long. Do you want to feel productive? What actions can you take today to make you believe that you’re making strides in productivity? Do you want to feel abundant? What can you do today to increase abundance in your life? Positive thinking creates positive feelings.
3- Focus On What’s Important
Another great way to develop a positive thinking habit is to hone in on what’s truly important to you. What are your core values? What do you aspire to do or be? Learn how to set goals and priorities for yourself. And concentrate only on what matters. Leave the rest behind. This way, you can experience more favorable results. More favorable results will lead to more positive thinking.
4- Detach From The Outcome
This is a major strategy that often gets overlooked and leaves people miserable and can cause a downward spiral into the negative zone.
It is important to set goals for many reasons. But a better strategy is to set goals, develop habits that support your goals, and detach yourself from the outcome. This is a Jedi mind trick that productivity hackers swear by. Why, because it works and it keeps your mindset out of the gutter when things don’t go quite as planned. When we set goals there are a ton of blind spots that we don’t always see. It might take longer than we initially thought or we may have to change our course for whatever reason. It doesn’t mean that we have lost. It means that we are learning. This type of mindset will allow you to stay the course and remain positive in your thinking.
Life is complicated. Sometimes you’re on top, and sometimes, you’re on the bottom. There will be times when you’ll give your best effort and things still won’t turn out the way you desire. When this happens, don’t be discouraged or annoyed. Accept it as part of life and move on. Make sure you create a consistent habit of giving your best effort each time but detaching from the result. Focus on what you can control – your actions, effort, and attitude.

5- Challenge Yourself Often
Stay open to opportunities. See challenges as opportunities to learn new things, test your strength, and grow as a person. Every problem is a chance to improve who you are. While it may be tempting to stay in your comfort zone, you will have more positive outcomes when you try new things. An example would be learning new skills that you find difficult. This will help foster your positive thing habit and help your brain develop in the process.
6- All Things In Moderation
In our relentless pursuit of happiness, success, money, and entertainment many people fall victim to overindulgence. Too much of anything yields negative results. Adopt an attitude of moderation, and you stand to have more optimistic perspectives on everything. Learn to be wise and pace yourself, after all, you are in your lane. You set the pace.
7- Be Realistic
We all have desires. And going after your dreams is one of the best ways to stay motivated and fulfilled. However, make sure that what you desire is possible to attain. Spending energy, hoping for something impossible to manifest only yields disappointment down the line. For example, if you wish for extra money, make sure you choose a reasonable amount and method of attaining it. Throwing all your efforts into winning the lotto is unrealistic – but starting a side business or updating your resume to get a higher-paying position is more likely. You likely won’t become a millionaire overnight, but with a positive yet realistic attitude, the sky is the limit.
8- Stay On Top Of Your Health
Keeping a positive mindset is much easier when you are in excellent physical and mental health. It’s hard to think positively when you feel horrible. Do what you can do to improve your health. Stay on top of your doctor appointments. If necessary, seek additional services to maintain your mental health. If you have any aches and pains, show yourself enough care to get things checked out – you deserve to inhabit a body that works and feels good. Positive thinking is a result of positive habits. Eat clean, sleep well, drink enough water, and watch your mindset rise.

9- Love Yourself
Remember, before others will love and adore you, you must love yourself first. Commit to caring for yourself in every way necessary. Commit to learning, finding fulfilling work, surrounding yourself with quality friends, getting enough exercise and time outdoors, and engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. Praise yourself as much as you praise other people. When you look in the mirror, compliment the good things you see. When you build self-confidence and self-love, positive thoughts flow like a river.
10- Laugh As Much As Possible
You’ve heard the old saying that “laughter is like strong medicine”. Well, it’s true. Laughter triggers a bunch of healthy changes in our bodies. It strengthens our immune system, mitigates the effects of stress, and boosts our mood. If you want to develop this positive thinking habit we’ve been talking about, then learn to laugh…out loud if possible and often.

Enjoy your life! Have fun. Practice the fine art of looking at the bright side of everything. A few laughs and giggles can help relieve negative baggage like anxiety, disappointment, nervousness, and fear. Find ways to laugh at everything – even yourself.
Incorporate these simple strategies into your life and you’ll be well on your way to developing a positive thinking habit that carries you your whole life long.
As always,
Be well + prosper (hehehehehe)
Elaine xx
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