Astonish Them! Always set your aim high. So high that you will amaze people. Make it your default position. Even when you fall short, you will impress. And when you reach your TARGET (and you will) will leave them stunned! Patrick Lindsey
Let’s face it. We are living in stressful times. There is so much tension today that you can cut it with a knife. On top of that, you may have your struggles that you battle through daily. Stay tuned if this is you or someone you love because there is still hope for the dreamer inside you. You or someone you love still have the power to “astonish them” even during stressful times!
When you are overwhelmed by stress, believing in your dreams can be challenging; making them happen can seem impossible. Today, I will give you some valuable strategies to help you persevere amid the storm and fight to the finish line despite your circumstances.

7 Strategies to Keep Believing In and Making Your Dream Happen
- Determine if you need a break (and don’t be afraid to take it)
I started with this one first because, many times, it’s the last thing on your mind when you are trying to press forward. Keep in mind that all stress is not created equal. Some stressors can shut you down, while others can sharpen your focus. Also, everyone’s stress threshold is not the same. In other words, two people can undergo the same event. One may break down while the other laughs over dinner with friends. Assess your situation and stress threshold, and be brave enough to take the self-care break you need before “jumping right back out there.”
- Revisit Your Mindset
You might not believe it, but it is true: Mindset is EVERYTHING! How you view life can determine whether or not you are up for the challenge. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Are you the hero or the villain in the story? How you decide to frame or reframe the various situations of life can drain your energy or fuel your energy towards your precious dreams. You can choose to cultivate a growth mindset. One in which you view challenges as opportunities for growth. If you have a growth mindset, you are confident that whatever tools you need to persevere are available. Even Though you may not be able to fix every problem, you can evolve through learning and hard work and become a more capable person. You believe that you can become more resilient. And you will.
- Decide What You Want Now
It is not uncommon for dreams to change over time. Think long and hard about what you want now. Get clarity. Are you dusting off an old dream that may no longer make sense? Have your values or priorities changed? Are you trying to fulfill someone else’s dream? Believing in your dreams and working toward them is hard work. I’m unsure why most people won’t tell you that, but it is true. Setbacks and failures are usually an essential part of the process. So, ensuring you’re on the right path is practical and wise.
- Make Peace with Small Steps
We live in a fast-paced digital world that “despises the day of small beginnings.” That is a mistake. Why? Starting small is a massive strategy for accomplishing anything significant. You build incredible strength and resilience when you take baby steps toward making your dreams a reality. Starting small allows you to be invisible. Being invisible during the early days will enable you to work intensely while minimizing distractions.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson

- Resist the urge to compete with anyone except yourself.
Competing with others, especially well-known public figures and gurus, makes no sense. You have no clear insight into their personal lives. They may have been perfecting their game for 20 years before the golden age of social media; you, on the other hand, may have been hard at work for only 20 minutes. Reframe competition by admiring those who have gone for you, honor their hard work, and learn from their teaching. Watch how they work. When you compete, focus on your real opponent: yesterday’s version of yourself. Can you be better today than you were yesterday? That’s the million-dollar question!
- Practice self-care (ALOT)
Now is not the time to cut back on self-care. The opposite is true. When you are struggling with stress and pressing to move forward despite it, your self-care practices can be your best friend. Mindfulness self-care habits can help you combat stress and build the emotional resilience you need to keep going. They keep you grounded during times of uncertainty. They improve your focus, allowing you to make wiser decisions by reducing anxiety and fear of the future. They help you to lean into your strategies instead of constantly being shifted by your moods.
- Create a Support Network
Isolation is one of the biggest threats to our physical and mental well-being and longevity. As humans, we are not designed to “go it alone.” We are a highly social species, and we need each other. I am saying this as a somewhat introspective person. It becomes more vitally important when facing challenges. It is well-known that people undergoing tremendous stress become more resilient when a community of support surrounds them. Aside from emotional support, they can provide a different perspective and offer sound advice. These communities can also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration. You might hit your goals faster once you decide not to isolate yourself any longer.
“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more WISE counsel you follow, the better your chances.” Proverbs 11:14
Final thoughts
Believing in and following your dreams is one of your most excellent life decisions. You have boldly decided to live a life of meaning and purpose. The process of waking up daily to the challenges of growing is transformative. Know that the minute you choose to do this, the opposition might knock on your door. Not to necessarily stop you but to make you stronger and more resilient. Yes, it can be challenging sometimes, but the reward you get from deciding to live a life of meaning and purpose is well worth it. Who knows, you might make the world a bit better in the process!
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
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