Creating a vision of who you want to be is a pretty bold statement. But I’m here to let you know it’s possible within reason. But most people get so caught up and reactionary to life’s events that they don’t sit down and ponder the possibilities. If you’re reading this article, then that’s not you. No, you want more out of life and know it is possible.
Does this describe you or someone close to you?
Perhaps, you are unhappy about where you are in life. Maybe, you feel yourself just going through the motions and tolerating your life. Can you remember the last time you belly laughed sincerely? Do you blame those around you for your slightly miserable state? Are people starting to avoid you or walk on eggshells when you enter the room? Think back to recent thoughts you had. Do you find yourself struggling with negative thoughts? Do you sometimes feel like you’ve hit a roadblock?
This could be because you haven’t taken the time to create a compelling vision of the person you want to be or the life you want to live.
What is a Life Vision
A vision is a big picture of who you want to be and what you want your life to look like. It can be used as a practical guide, whereby you can create goals and even action plans to incorporate into your daily life. It should be a living document that can alter based on feedback from your experiences and circumstances. I suggest it be written down and infused with fun elements and rewards to keep you going.
Why it’s wise to Create a Vision for Your Life

Some of the most intelligent people you may admire more than likely have a life vision. You just never stopped to think about it.
Guess what? You need one, too, and here’s why: Everything starts with clarity. A vision is a tool that gives you clarity. Without clarity, you will be confused, indecisive, and All. Over. The. Place. Your vision shows you where you are going. It helps you create goals you love and make sense because they are based on something concrete. Your vision will provide the focus and the strength to push through obstacles.
This is what happens in your brain:
Creating a positive image within your mind will set up neural pathways to help you reach your goals. The more you reinforce this mental image, the more pathways will be created. There’s power in looking at your vision board, brainpower. According to research, vision boards (a recorded representation of your life vision) prime your brain to recognize an opportunity.
When you have determined your vision and the steps you believe will help you get there, continue to imagine that vision. Do this daily. Your brain will get so used to this vision it will become a subconscious process. Your subconscious could be working it out for you even when you are unaware.
Creating a Life Vision is a process, and you are NOT a failure:
Plans are guidelines only. They can be changed as needed. This can happen when new information comes to light along the way which wasn’t available when you first started. Remember, increased clarity comes as you take action. This is normal.
Creating a vision of who you want to be is a moving, breathing process. This is not to say you can’t alter your plan or idea. There may be something you thought you wanted, but as you progress, you find this not the case. There is nothing wrong with that. If this happens, pivot, update your vision, and move on. Your brain will form pathways for this new vision as well. You are not a failure.

You might need a plan.
You may have already created your life vision at that fun vision board party you attended, but you still feel stuck. Now that you’ve clarified your dream, you need a strategic plan to get there. I know no one told you about that part of the process. Yup, so after you’re good with your vision, you need to create the goals to support that vision and the tactics to reach those goals. That’s how it works in a nutshell.
You will be on an exciting adventure that will cause you to grow in ways you’ve never imagined. You’ll be well on your way to becoming the person you need to be to reach that lofty vision you created for your life.
Get ready for the Negative Nellies.
Be prepared for criticism while creating this new vision for yourself. It is yours and yours alone. There may be some people who may not understand where you’re headed. That is fine. It comes with the territory because most people resist change, even if someone else is changing. Stand firm to your beliefs and dreams of a better life. Your critics do not have to live with the vision you create for yourself. You do. You may even notice those same critics cheer you on when you reach your goals. They may even claim to have been supporting you the whole time. It isn’t enjoyable, but that is how people behave. Folk is fickle. It’s not worth the aggravation of trying to figure it out.
Just move on with your vision and let them think whatever they want. After all, you only get one shot; you might as well make it your best one.
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx