As a online home business owner, we are constantly bombarded with new ideas and projects, software, apps, programs, courses and other bright and shiny objects. Like most online home business owners, we are very creative so getting easily distracted comes with the territory. This leads to overwhelm and decreased productivity. How would […]
3 Ways to Get Unstuck by Focusing on the Present
Focusing on the present is a handy way to get unstuck. Yet, it’s largely overlooked in today’s busy, noisy, and complex world. There is very little value placed on stillness and focus. Instead, we celebrate, worship really, the state of perpetual busyness. As a result, we continually find ourselves overstretched, over-stressed, over-committed, and “stuck.” We’re […]
5 Ways Persistence Will Make You a Better Home Business Entrepreneur
Ask yourself this question: As a home business entrepreneur can you really afford to overlook the power of persistence? The short answer is no. Although, we know this deep in our hearts, so many would be successful home business entrepreneurs settle for surfing the internet in the search of the next […]
How to Fall in Love with your Home Based Business Again
Building your home based business can be very fun and exciting. It isn’t, however, for the faint at heart. It is very possible and common to lose that “spark” that you once had for your home based business as reality of what it really takes sets in. Even if your business is highly successful, […]
How to Use Belief in Yourself to Boost your Business
I recently saw a post that said: “Start believing in yourself and you’re halfway there.” I thought to myself, wow, this is so true. Many times the difference between success and failure in your business is more about belief in yourself than it is about talent, intellect or even good looks. It seems like some […]
3 reasons why you should save your marriage (if you really want to)
Disclaimer alert: This post dives deep into 3 reasons why you should save your marriage, only and only if you really want to. Marriage can be one of the happiest and most memorable moments in our lives. It is a union of not only two individuals, but also of two different upbringings and […]