It’s that time of year again when we hear so much about the importance of goal setting. I’m sure it has so much to do with that “clean slate” feeling the new year brings to those of us who haven’t given up on our dreams and aspirations. The real truth is that any time of […]
11 Traits of Smart Driven Successful Women
Do you see yourself as a smart driven successful woman? Smart, driven successful women come in all shapes and sizes, and from all backgrounds and walks of life. Just because you may not feel like you measure up to an external vision of success, doesn’t mean that you aren’t a success. Smart driven successful women […]
How to Create a Powerful Sense of Belonging through Kindness
Focusing on kindness to create a powerful sense of belonging in your life may be a connection that is not readily considered. We must belong to something or someone at our most profound emotional level. This is common to the human experience. However, nowadays, many feel isolated and alone. We haven’t found a sense of […]
5 Steps To Be More Honest With Yourself
There’s a lot of chatter these days about “changing your life” and to be honest (no pun intended), “changing your life really starts with being more honest with yourself. Self-improvement rises and falls on self-honesty. And guess ain’t always easy. That is why the vast majority of people don’t change their lives because they […]
6 Unexpected Ways Boredom Can Harm Your Health
As you sit mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed, the last thing on your mind is how boredom can harm your health. Maybe you never even thought there might be a connection between countless hours on social media and chronic boredom. In this article, we are going to discuss the harmful effects of boredom and […]
Why You Should Embrace The Anxiety Of Problem Solving
W Some of the greatest insights I have learned over many years of studying personal development have often been counter-intuitive, like why embracing the anxiety of problem-solving can possibly be a good thing. Sounds crazy, I know, but just bear with me for a minute. You might be thinking, “why would I EVER want to […]