Self-care talk is all the rage right now. But what is it? How can you ensure you’re practicing it correctly and getting the benefits? Self-care can be defined as the action to promote one’s own physical, mental, and emotional health. According to the American Psychological Association, self-care “is a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement […]
How Exercise Can Improve Your Focus & Concentration
I’m sure you are well aware of the positive impact that exercise can have on your overall health, weight loss, and even your energy. But how familiar are you with the impact that exercise can have on boosting your cognitive function? Simply put, physical exercise is beneficial to just about every aspect of the human […]
8 Proven Ways Walking Improves Your Brain
It might surprise you to hear that something as simple as walking can actually improve your brainpower. You don’t even have to engage in full-on power walking to experience these brain-boosting effects! Even a twenty- to thirty-minute walk during your lunch break can have a positive impact on your brain. Here are eight ways science […]
How to Use Humor to Resolve Conflict in Your Relationship
It’s no secret that we are living in trying times. Being “stuck” in the house with those you love most can present challenges that you’ve never quite experienced before. A little known tool that can help you overcome some of your relational conflicts is humor. That’s right, good ole fashion humor can work wonders during […]
How to Develop the Courage to Lead
In times of great uncertainty, the call for courageous leaders is greater than ever. As you know, it takes a good amount of courage to be an effective leader. I believe that even if you have fears that have kept you from leadership roles in the past you can overcome them and stand tall as […]
How to Finally Stop Beating Yourself Up
After so many years of negative programming, you might be wondering is it even possible to stop beating yourself up? The short answer is yes it is possible. We’ve been here before. We allow a circumstance, mistake, or bad decision to negatively impact our lives and self-esteem long after the incident occurred. By doing so, […]