The possibility of designing your life and choosing your path may seem impossible to some. Maybe your circumstances or early life experiences made you believe you are merely a victim of whatever life throws your way. Instead of stopping in your tracks and questioning what’s happening in your life, you drone on. Working…sleeping…eating…binging Netflix… You […]
How to Design a Strategic Life That You Love
It’s interesting how so many of us apply strategy to our careers and businesses. We spend hours “strategizing” on marketing, sales, finances, and even new technology. But, what’s going on in your personal life? Have you ever considered taking some of that same energy and using it to design a strategic life? A life in […]
Create a Vision of Who You Want to Be
Creating a vision of who you want to be is a pretty bold statement. But I’m here to let you know it’s possible within reason. But most people get so caught up and reactionary to life’s events that they don’t sit down and ponder the possibilities. If you’re reading this article, then that’s not you. […]
How To Improve Your Health by Eating More Fruits and Vegetables
We all know the importance of adding more fruits and vegetables to our diet daily. This is not an earth-shattering revelation. It’s basic. If it is so essential, why don’t we eat more health-promoting, blood-alkalizing, life-changing fruits and vegetables than we should? The answer is straightforward. We either don’t know how many fruits and vegetables […]
5 Signs You Have A Hidden Anger Problem
We all get angry and lash out, but having an “anger problem” is a bit different. Experts say it’s even healthy to vent your anger from time to time. These methodologies can actually prevent us from hurting others. The real problems start when you let your anger get out of control. Rampant anger makes you […]
5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Romantic Relationship
As time goes on, it would serve us well to find simple ways to improve our relationship with our spouse. In our modern world of technology, distractions, and interruptions it can become increasingly harder to feel connected to our beloved. We already know how challenging relationships can be. Even couples who always seem to look […]