Everyone seems to be searching for ways to be more authentic these days. For whatever reason, phony has become the new normal, and original is the new higher standard. Why is this happening? Why has it become commonplace for people to pretend to be something or someone they are not? Usually, in social situations, people […]
How to Manage Your Thoughts to Create a Better Life
Did you know that you can manage your thoughts and create better outcomes, versus your thoughts manages you and creating an unwanted reality? There are a few universal secrets to living a full life, and managing your thoughts is a big one. I’ve bet you’ve heard it before: you are what you think. Another way […]
How to Trust Your Authentic Self More at Any Age
Your authentic self is the true you. The you that stares back at you in the mirror. Unfortunately, we have learned every trick in the book regarding masking our true selves and becoming a shadow of who we were meant to be. One of the primary drivers of the journey into falsehood is that deep […]
6 Easy Ways to Preserve Your Energy Today
Have you ever popped out of the bed in the morning ready to take on the world, with your to-do list in the back of your mind? From the moment you got out of bed, you’ve been thinking about all the things you’re going to get done today. You can’t wait to get started! Let’s […]
7 Uncommon Ways to Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life
Chances are that some garden variety of fear will be you always, that is just life. The key is to not let overwhelming skull-crushing fear control your life. Fear can be the biggest emotion that holds you back from going after your dreams. If left unchecked, this type of fear can keep you locked up […]
5 Ways to Get Back on Track When Motivation is Fleeting
Motivation is a fickle concept that is somewhat overrated. According to Psychology Today, motivation, “is one of the driving forces behind human behavior. It fuels competition and sparks social connections. Its absence can lead to mental illnesses such as depression. Motivation encompasses the desire to continue striving toward meaning, purpose, and a life worth living.” […]