Like most of us, you’re probably focused on achieving your super goals and maximizing your human potential. But maybe you have overlooked the importance of living with Purpose. This little nugget may be fundamental to your success and your long-term health and happiness.
Living with a sense of Purpose may be more critical to your overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being than you think. Those with a strong sense of Purpose tend to live longer, have healthier hearts, and are more psychologically resilient.
Practical Neurology says, “Purpose is one of the main components of positive well-being. It is commonly measured by a series of questions developed by Ryff and colleagues called Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Wellbeing. These questions include:
- How do you view your life?
- Is there meaning in your life?
- Do you set goals for yourself?
- Do you feel like you can reach those goals?”
People who score their sense of Purpose highly in this questionnaire appear to have better cognitive function, longevity, sleep, cardiovascular fitness, and mood.
Experts agree that finding meaning and living your life’s Purpose has wide-ranging benefits, some of which are unexpected.

Benefits Of Living with Purpose:
1. Purpose Can Increase Your Focus:
When you have a clear concept of your life’s Purpose, it’s easier to focus your attention, energy, and actions on what you want to achieve. You have a sense of where you want to go and can start taking action to get there. Purpose can serve as a guide to help you reach your goals.
2. Purpose Can Improve Your Health:
There’s more to good health than the food on your plate. According to a new study, researchers found that having a sense of Purpose causes you to feel physically and mentally better. The study showed that those who had found meaning felt much better than those searching. The study suggests that pursuing activities that we find meaningful and love is essential instead of just waiting until we find time to squeeze them in. So, if you struggle to find meaning in your day job, pursue other interests you’ve been curious about.
3. Purpose Can Make Gratitude Easier:
We have recently heard about the health and wellness benefits of practicing gratitude. But did you know that living with Purpose can help you to feel more contented with your life as it already is? People aligned with their life’s Purpose report greater satisfaction with their present circumstances because they know they are focused on what they want out of life. You’re not constantly hustling and bustling to get somewhere. When immersed in your Purpose, you live like you are already “there.”
4. Purpose Can Sharpen Your Passions
Although Purpose and passion are interchangeable, they are not the same concept. “Passion and Purpose are distinct. Passion is about emotions, motivation, and what makes us feel good, i.e., “do what you love.” Purpose is the reason behind what we do, primarily for others, i.e., “do what contributes.” Where passion can be all over the place, wild, and exciting, Purpose is much more focused. Passions can also come and go, whereas Purpose tends to be long-term. Finally, passions are inwardly focused whereas Purpose is outwardly focused on your greater impact on others and your surroundings.” Knowing your Purpose also helps you focus on what fires you up, your passions. It allows you to identify your passions and go after them.
5. Purpose Can Help You Live in Alignment With Your Values
Doing the work of your Purpose and working out what matters to you in life helps you align everything you do with your deepest beliefs and values. This provides powerful direction and fulfillment in life. It also gives you a greater sense of integrity. Deciding to live a meaningful life means you are not so tempted by the things that will lead you off the path of Purpose. You no longer become the prey of every good idea that people with good intentions seem to have for you to do today! LOL
6. Purpose Can Make You A Better Leader:
A boss with a clear vision of where they want to go and how to get there inspires employees and clients alike. Motivational speeches are like cotton candy. They have their place, but the effects can be fleeting. Clarity of Purpose and vision inspires trust and respect and is a far more excellent motivator.

7. Purpose Can Help You Live Longer:
Let us not sleep on this one! Perhaps the most unexpected benefit of finding and living your life’s Purpose is that it can add years to your life span. Researchers in Japan found that men with a purpose lived longer than men without one. Purpose can help you deal better with stress and the ups and downs of life.
People living purposeful lives aligned with their deepest values tend to worry less and deal with stress and anxiety better. They have better cardiovascular health and suffer less from depression, insomnia, and anxiety.
Knowing the importance of living with Purpose is one of the first steps in living a fulfilled and aligned life. However, it is not the only step. Once you realize the incredible benefits of living with Purpose, you need to find your Purpose. That is if you don’t know what it is. I have linked a few related articles below to take the stress, frustration, and pain out of finding your Purpose.
Remember, life is a journey, and finding your Purpose is a part of enjoying the ride. But also keep in mind that there is no finish line here. You are constantly evolving and becoming a better version of yourself. As you pursue your Purpose, the path will get increasingly more apparent. Don’t complicate the process by stressing yourself out.
Take a deep breath and have some fun. Solving the puzzle of you is one of the funnest (I know this is not a word…I made it up) things you can do!
You are all of that and a bag of chips!! ( I know, I’m feeling super corny today! :))
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx