We hear it all the time…. DREAM BIG…dream big…Dream Big! It almost sounds like a cliche these days. After all, no one posting their Insta: DREAM SMALL. Am I right?
Without big dreams, we fear that we may never reach our full potential.
All these “dream big” expectations can put our brains in a knot.
In theory, dreaming big sounds great—but it’s easier said than done.
First of all, let’s examine what it actually means (to you) to dream big. Then you can decide whether or not dreaming big is for you. If so, I have some spot-on ideas on why dreaming big is actually a great strategy.
What it Means To Dream Big
Dreaming big is very personal and it means different outcomes for different people. In a nutshell, dreaming bigs means creating the mental space for yourself to imagine a desirable future outcome, without fixating on how it will come to pass. You can set the bar high and give yourself something to aspire to. This is a powerful exercise that can ultimately add more meaning and purpose to your life, not to mention more joy and happiness.
Newsflash: Dreaming big is a skill that you can acquire. Even if you don’t see yourself as someone who dreams big. You can start developing this mental habit whenever you decide to. That’s right, you can make a decision to kiss mediocrity goodbye and go for the gold when you’re ready.
That’s dreaming big in a nutshell, now let’s talk about why dreaming big is so important.
5 Reasons For Dreaming Big
1. Dreaming Big Builds Positivity and Momentum
“As a man thinks, so is he”– Proverbs 23:7
The thought here is that you become what you think of yourselves. When you think of yourself as awesome, you start to believe that you are worthy of happiness and success and you start acting accordingly. When you practice the art of dreaming big, you activate your brain to notice the opportunities and support that you hadn’t noticed before. As you continue seeing this support of your big dreams, the positivity and excitement that you express bring even more connections and prospects into your reality. Your continued belief in yourself and your dreams creates momentum that builds exponentially.
2. Dreaming Big Can Shift Your Focus
Dreaming big begins to shift your focus to the goals, plans, and actions that will lead you to reach your dreams. You will discover new ways of doing things. When you focus on finding solutions, that’s what you’ll find. On the other hand, if you keep your mind engaged with thoughts of what could go wrong as you work towards your goals you will more likely experience more difficulties and challenges. Eventually, you may give up. What you focus on expands. When you are committed to the long game of making your dream a reality, you focus on the wins and learning experiences, which bring you more of the same.
3. Dreaming Big Develops Resilience
Failure in some way shape or form is inevitable, no matter how much we plan or how positive and awesome you are. You might not look forward to it, but dreaming big can cause you to see it differently. Big dreamers tend to reframe failure as learning, or failing forward. It might sting for a bit, but you’ll get back up feeling 10X stronger, more resilient, and with more knowledge than you had before. You begin to realize the only real failure is in not trying at all. Or worse, quitting on your big dream.
4. Dreaming Big Improves Time Management Skills
You may not think of superior time management skills when you think “dreamer,” but those who are serious about making their best life a reality use their time wisely. You understand that time is one of your most valuable resources, and if you want to make things happen, you need to use that resource to your advantage.
5. Dreaming Big Skyrockets Your Confidence
Before you embarked on this journey, you may have thought so many of your aspirations were impossible. Words like “can’t” and “impossible” showed up regularly in your brain, but when you start shooting for the stars and seeing the results, your confidence will begin to soar too. You’ll see this new confidence showing up in other areas of your life!
Final Thoughts
Designing a life of intention is the epitome of dreaming big. You’re going against the grain of society by deciding to make your dream life a reality instead of mindlessly drifting in some unknown direction. Cultivating the mental habit of dreaming big will serve you well into the future as you embark on your new venture of designing the life of your dreams.
You got this!
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
Related Post: How to Think and Aim Big