You typically don’t think of the power of good mental health when building a business. But you should. The state of your mental health plays a massive role in your business success. Depression, anxiety, and chronic stress can cause relentless brain fog and steal your mental energy. Overwork and overwhelm can shut off the part of the brain that drives your decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity. Subpar mental health can make every task feels more complicated and more tedious than it is. It can make even the most minor decisions seem out of reach. The tiniest problem becomes monumental.
Ignoring our mental health can be catastrophic to our business success over time.
Have you ever noticed those business owners whose boundless optimism and energy seem to carry the day? Or better yet, the ultra-cool entrepreneur who looks completely relaxed yet achieves enormous success?
Which do you prefer? Do you want to continue being so stressed out while doing everything you can to make your business successful? Yet, you long for better results?
Of course not.
You want to join the ranks of those entrepreneurs who are sipping green tea and closing deals on the regular.
What do those cool, calm, and collected business leaders know about mental health that you don’t?
How does this knowledge cause them to make the necessary shifts to help them build successful businesses?
Let’s find out.
3 Mindset Shifts that Support Good Mental Health
- They Know How to Get Help
As incredible as they are, they know that everybody needs help. Successful entrepreneurs know better than to go it alone. There comes a time in the life of an entrepreneur when stress, crises, or just the day-to-day grind can compromise your mental health. These businesswomen know they need support. Often, they start by building a team they can count on, even when talking to a friend or hiring a coach to talk to when times are challenging. They know when to get professional help. Having a coach, counselor, or mentor to talk to can do wonders for preserving your mental health, especially when things get complicated.

- They Know to Establish an Effective Exercise Routine
Exercise is excellent for physical health. At the same time, exercise does wonders for mental health as well. Your body in motion gets the blood flowing, sending more oxygen to the brain, meaning you’ll think more clearly. More importantly, exercise’s dopamine injects feel-good chemicals into the brain, improving mood. Buh- bye depression and anxiety.
- They Know to Pay it Forward.
One of the best ways to preserve your mental health is to give yourself something meaningful to focus on giving back to someone else. You may have a mentor, but this doesn’t mean you can’t mentor someone who might not be as far along as you are. By focusing on helping others, you spend less time worrying about what’s going on in your own life. This process allows you to remind yourself of how far you’ve come and share the lessons you’ve learned. This reminds you that you’re not as far behind as you may have thought.

Final Thoughts
There are many practical ways to support good mental health. Your overall mindset should be immersed in taking excellent care of yourself. These three ways are a good place to start as you begin your journey.
You will find that your mental health is even more crucial if you work independently without much support from coworkers or in a more traditional work setting. This is why it’s so important to pay attention now and take the proper action to preserve your mental health so you can have the mental bandwidth to reach your goal of building a successful business.
Be well + prosper,
Elaine xx
P.S. If you need support in your journey toward a sound mind, apply here for a free discovery call. You can win over overwhelmed or add some strategy to your hustle today!